Monday, March 30, 2015

Testing patches with a couple of commands using a buildfarm animal

I've blogged before about how the buildfarm client software can be useful for developers amd reviewers. Yesterday was a perfect example. I was testing a set of patches for a bug fix for pg_upgrade running on Windows, and they go all the way back to the 9.0 release. The simplest way to test these was using a buildfarm animal. On jacana, I applied the relevant patch in each branch repo, and then simply did this to build and test them all:

for f in root/[RH]* ; do 
  br=`basename $f`
  perl ./ --from-source=`pwd`/$f/pgsql --config=jacana.conf --verbose $br

After it was all done and everything worked, I cleaned up the git repositories so they were ready for more buildfarm runs:

for f in root/[RH]* ; do 
  pushd $f/pgsql
  git reset --hard
  git clean -dfxq

Pretty simple! The commands are shown here on multiple lines for clarity, but in fact I wrote each set on one line, so after applying the patches the whole thing took 2 lines. (Because jacana only builds back to release 9.2, I had to repeat the process on frogmouth for 9.0 and 9.1, using the same process).

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